The Hemingway Day. Who’s there?

Greetings on this very special Friday, special because it is National Cream Tea Day here in the UK, which sparks the never-ending debate… cream or jam first? Never mind that, if I hear another person say “scon” I’m going to launch the clotted cream. It’s scone. (And the very fact you can understand what I mean from the spelling means I’m right.)

Here’s The Hemingway Day to diffuse the situation.


Who’s there?

Two shadows. But I stood alone.


Thanks to The Daily Post for inspiring today’s post by asking about my muse… she’s called mother nature.

15 thoughts on “The Hemingway Day. Who’s there?

  1. forgive me for commenting with an unattributed and quite feasibly sexist quote?

    “I asked the maid in dulcet tone
    To order me a buttered scone;
    The silly girl has been and gone
    And ordered me a buttered scone.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like your muted colours. It’s a nice shot.
    Well, I hope the shadow next to you doesn’t read your blog, but of course, they don’t exist so how could they? 🙂 I’ll have to look up National Cream Tea Day, though I suspect it may just be my usual Sunday morning ritual.

    Liked by 1 person

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