The Beast.

I once tried to write a book when I was twelve. It remains unfinished, banished to the depths of my parent’s garage for the mice to contend with, so I have decided to try again.

Today I have entered the research phase of my newest project, which at the moment I shall call The Beast. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the storyline, but more the general presence of such a venture, as I am sure it’ll prove to be a troublesome little fellow indeed…

I shall be posting every now and again about the nature of The Beast, in the hope that in doing so I create some sort of webasphere pressure, and the words actually get written.

Wish me luck, come and join me if you’re a writer without a cause, or just send me your good vibes, I am going to need them.

Fingers crossed you can even read it one day.

P.S I hope you like my awesome notebook.

P.P.S – I do believe this must qualify for this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge, as it’s a post filled with optimism… or stupidity, I can’t decide.

30 thoughts on “The Beast.

  1. I also started writing a book when I was 12. It’s still in a blue notebook with brads in a box somewhere. I’ve since actually published two books, albeit 17 years later. I wish you all the luck you need. You can do it. Be diligent, and write especially when you don’t want to!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Go get em girl friend ! yeeeha! How’s that for positive vibes? You could employ my little trick called ‘the power of the half hour’. where you work 100% just on your project for 30 mins. Its amazing what you can get done in that time. It might be getting part of the plot line down or creating character traits for one of your characters… breaking it down in parts… I don’t know what ever it is you want to achieve… Alternatively you can try ‘the power of the quarter of an hour’ to start you off and build from there.  and after some time you can look back and see just how much you have achieved in that short time.Good Luck Franny xx From: Laura Gabrielle Feasey To: Sent: Saturday, 23 January 2016, 5:16 Subject: [New post] The Beast. #yiv2592290609 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv2592290609 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv2592290609 a.yiv2592290609primaryactionlink:link, #yiv2592290609 a.yiv2592290609primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv2592290609 a.yiv2592290609primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv2592290609 a.yiv2592290609primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv2592290609 | Laura Gabrielle Feasey posted: “I once tried to write a book when I was twelve. It remains unfinished, banished to the depths of my parent’s garage for the mice to contend with, so I have decided to try again.Today I have entered the research phase of my newest project, which at the m” | |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s fab Franny thank you! I have started a little practise first thing in the morning, where I silence any distractions and write fiction for an hour, so hopefully I’m on the right path. It’s so lovely to have your support, we creative Feaseys need to stick together! xx


  3. Greetings Bestseller!
    I love your honesty, vulnerability and fabulous voice! Tis true, you have everything that you need to undertake that journey into the creative regions us writers traverse alone. I love that you have erased that aloneness to a certain extent, our invitation to go with you sweet. We can lend moral companionship on the venture, and there is nothing like accountability.
    I, for one, am game.
    I will go with you, offering feedback, encouragement and presence. After all, I’m on the journey myself. Like you, my manuscript awaits my return, like a beloved who knows that sooner or later…the universe will lead me home. Unlike you, though, I stopped writing midway the manuscript, succumbing to the novelist’s terror that you can’t do it again.
    The bottom line. We can, we must and we will!
    Carry on…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hopefully I can live up to that bestseller title one day in the future. Thank you so much for the lovely comment, for the positive vibes, and for joining me in battle, I look forward to it! I do think you have to write even when you think it’s terrible. You can always rewrite and edit something awful, but you can’t redraft a blank page. I can’t remember who said that, I read it somewhere, maybe Hemingway… 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ooooh my goodness…I love that quote! I’ll Google it and post it on my Facebook writing fan page!!!
        Yesssss! And you are so right! We’ve got to park our posteriors and WRITE!
        Gee! I’m feeling fired!
        People who remain in their blog home don’t know what they are missing when they fail to venture forth and visit others!!!

        Liked by 1 person

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