The Monday Muse. New year, same old fear.

I wish I could make a new year’s resolution to ditch the arachnophobia and start 2016 as a spider lover. Unfortunately it is not that simple. Here’s a little tale of how my Saturday morning was spent, with a spider. Happy new year.

Five cm.

It was the first time the boy had left the house without me since Christmas. It was no less than ten minutes after his departure – while I was sat indulging in some festive telly – that the eight legged brute creeped across the hallway like it owned the place.

To be fair, it now did.

I mustered up all strength to flatten it with a shoebox. It did a vanishing act. Distressed phone calls were made. I sat for two hours. Staring at the vacant space.

I was bound to my bedroom, all five feet two of my coward body disarmed whilst that five centimetres of audacity paraded around my house at will.

I’d admire their chutzpah, if only I didn’t hate them so much.

37 thoughts on “The Monday Muse. New year, same old fear.

  1. Hi Laura. I hope you had a relaxing holiday. I’m not sure, but I’m betting where you live the spiders are bit bigger because of all the rain. But do you get snow a lot in the winter? I use the downstairs bathroom and I shriek because everytime I go down in that washroom from when the spiders first hatch to early fall is some kind of spider. I hate them so much, especially the bigger ones. I have learnt to keep the vacuum near and to do a few good vacuuming out of that bathroom every couple weeks and I use about 10 drops of mint oil in a spray container and spray all along the baseboards and spaces spiders go. The mint stings them and I use way more then the recommended amount of mint oil so I figure they will stay away! Great piece!

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    1. It was very relaxing thank you, how was yours? We do get rather big house spiders in the countryside, I’ve just moved from the city having been there for over 10 years so I really don’t like it! We hardly get any snow, and the country is useless with dealing with it when we do… it basically comes to a standstill! I have heard about mint oil before, and conkers, and lemon… maybe I should try all three!


  2. I’m with you! I’m getting better at not throwing things at them, not killing them or not crying in front of them no more, but it’s so hard when I’m on my own! brrrr and 2016 will not be an exception!

    Happy New Year anyway! without spiders, the better!

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  3. Hey I understand your pain right now ps I just killed a spider but 5 cm(I had to get a ruler to see how big that was) are serious 5 CM what (O-O) nah. I’m ready get the bucket were gonna trap it.

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  4. Those 8 legged brutes is right! 😛 Meh to arachnids right?! My best friend was just staying with my husband and I and she declared last night, “I think there’s something on the wall up here that someone needs to take care of….n..o…w…” 🙂 You are not alone!

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      1. SHOUT IT! hahahhaa. I used to have a doggie that would know the word spider, she’d start barking and running around all excited. I’d take to jumping on a chair, wacking it off the wall with a hanger, and she’d go for it. 🙂 hahahaha. I hope that made you laugh! Smiles.

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      1. Ha, I did think that as I wrote it. It’s so boring to be ‘normal’ anyway! It completely rules my life too, I actually even think about it when I’m holiday planning (I did worry about the pesky little buggers A LOT last November when I was staying in a hillside house in Silverlake, LA) or thinking about where I might want to live in the future. It’s the city for life for me! Ha x


      2. Oh gosh yes, Australia sounds rather terrifying, you just need to bite the bullet and go. At least you might not ever be alone there if you’re holidaying with your boyfriend, a handy spider catcher constantly by your side?! I read your post, I can definitely relate, funny how so many of us develop the same coping mechanisms!

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      3. It really is funny. It makes me feel less alone knowing others do the same haha. My boyfriend thinks I’m crazy so he’d probably just leave me to after the first few! He already comes home to notes with ‘dead spider, please help me’ haha.
        But you’re right, I’ll have to just do it one day. x
        I hope your life is spider free at the moment!

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