The Hemingway Day. Chills.

This week’s WordPress Photography challenge is to capture the extra(ordinary). This little guy’s sole purpose in life is to tell us sun-basking humans how tepid the water is within which he bobs. He does an ordinary job. He floats in an ordinary way. He even retains his air of ordinary when the waves of a belly flop come quivering in his direction. It’s his permanent vacant gaze in the wake of such revulsion that I find quite extraordinary.

Here’s a six-word Hemingway Day inspired by our elephant friend.



Feeling blue even in searing sunshine.


A four day week is an affair of proportions so glorious that it means Friday has come without my usual straggling spirit and dwindling dynamism. And so it is with my seldom felt Friday fizz that I bring you The Hemingway Day, and six words that together make a very jolly piece of flash fiction. What a difference a day makes.



His veins strained as she squirmed.

Thanks to The Daily Post for the prompt, ‘Afloat’, which prompted me, for some reason, to think about suffocation, and the floating of blood amidst veins. Don’t judge me, I’m really a rather happy soul.


Today’s The Hemingway Day, telling tales of deceptive appearances…



The pupils peering back weren’t hers.

Thanks to the Daily Post for the photo prompt.

The End of the Line.

The Hemingway Day… Aiming to deliver a few seconds of literary escapism as work begins to take its toll for yet another year.

The End of the Line.


He was ready. Just three steps.

Thanks to the Daily Post for the photo prompt.


The Hemingway Day with five seconds of Friday fiction…


Amidst unfamiliar pandemonium, she remembered loneliness.


Thanks to the Daily Post for the photo prompt, ‘Twinkle‘.

The Hemingway Day. Soul.

After my latest barrage of photos and words I decided it was necessary to give your inboxes a break, but I am back today with my old Flash Fiction Friday feature wrapped up in some brand new packaging… 

It was F Scott Fitzgerald that dared to tell the great Hemingway that he couldn’t write a story in six words. Hemingway delivered a literary KO with “For sale, baby shoes: Never worn.”. 

The Hemingway Day: Inspired by Ernest.



Her shadow still stood there, lingering.