The Hemingway Day. Who’s there?

Greetings on this very special Friday, special because it is National Cream Tea Day here in the UK, which sparks the never-ending debate… cream or jam first? Never mind that, if I hear another person say “scon” I’m going to launch the clotted cream. It’s scone. (And the very fact you can understand what I mean from the spelling means I’m right.)

Here’s The Hemingway Day to diffuse the situation.


Who’s there?

Two shadows. But I stood alone.


Thanks to The Daily Post for inspiring today’s post by asking about my muse… she’s called mother nature.


Today I have been slicing words from magazines like a blackmailing pro, to create what is known as ‘Found Poetry’. Here’s what I discovered amidst the piles of paper words…IMG_3327


Panoramic florals amplify the monochrome morning.

You rave with that cheap thrill,

Artificial in flirtation,

A moonphase away from a world

Quilted in blue.


Thank goodness for that little moment on a Friday afternoon when you realise there are two days of bliss ahead. Here’s a few seconds of literary escapism in celebration…

The Hemingway Day. Crack.


The cracks echoed, fracturing. He froze.


Thank you to The Daily Post for the photo prompt


Today’s The Hemingway Day, telling tales of deceptive appearances…



The pupils peering back weren’t hers.

Thanks to the Daily Post for the photo prompt.




Day 15 of photography101… “landscape.”


I edged lower into the rows of grain, willing the ground to be tight-lipped as it clicked beneath every movement of my limbs. A cracking resonated with every footstep he took. I froze just as his shins appeared above the kernels touching my forehead.



Day 11 of photography101… “Pop of Colour”


Golden fields rolled across the valleys, spitting up amber dust into the air whenever the wind blowed.



Day 10 of photography 101…’Mystery’.


Little bobbled droplets clung to the tips of my eyelashes, weighing heavily with every blink, but in the distance I saw life.

Adolescent Male.



Photography 101 day 8… ‘The Natural World.’

Adolescent Male.


With each tread of his hooves his branched horns swerved backwards, his mouth edged upwards, his lips parted and he let out a bellowing cry. He commanded attention from them with every mark he made in the mud. But the females remained silent, their backs turned and their bodies laid firmly on the ground.


Nerja's Rio ChillarDay4Bliss3Day4Bliss2

Today’s Photography101 task… to capture ‘Bliss’.


The silent canyon captured every grinding footstep and threw them back with avidity.