Day 108.



A new resident has clomped its way into my ever expanding zoo of inanimate animal objects. Until the day comes when I can cling to a gorilla whose heart-is-a-thumping, this side table will have to suffice. Even if he does graze my cheek every time I nuzzle against him in affection.


Thank you for your patience amidst the wordiness of the last four weeks. I have said goodbye to the writing101 course and so will be resuming business as “normal”

Day 99.

It seems apt that on this day, the penultimate of this challenge, I am bombarded with cheery moments to choose from. Do I select the lunchtime bubbles and French food? Should I opt for the tones of Alexandre Desplat that dance around my office? Might I revel in the fact I can work in my pants when the sun beats a little too willingly? Or should I just photograph the Krispy Kreme I just gobbled in honour of National Donut Day? Instead of bothering my brain further I shall just appreciate the many people that have featured along the way, and those of you that grace one of my favourite walls in our abode, because you definitely pull at the corners of this sarcastic mouth. #100happydays #day99

Day 95.


Why hang your coat on a hook when you can drape it on the horn of a rhino, on the snout of a pig, or on the schnoz of a moo cow? #100happydays #day95

Day 92.


I am the Queen of this manor and now I have a crown to prove it. #100happydays #day92

Day 89.


Having hitched a ride here all the way from China, this little cat still resides in his cardboard box. He steals all my money, and the pennies of visitors too; they cannot resist hearing his loveable little meow as he pockets the lot. #100happydays #day89

Day 87.

Why of course happiness makes an appearance masquerading as a china bunny with an illuminated tail. What else could it conceivably have dressed up as? #100happydays #day87


Day 85.


So Laura created a fusion of milk and strawberries, producing a girlish glass of pink that no other liquid could hold a candle to. And Laura saw that it was good. #100happydays #day85